Current Blades in the Dark - Machination

Current Campaign: "Blades in the Dark - Machination"

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Episode #166 - DFRPG - Remaking the World.

We rebuild and adjust our base of operation - Cleveland. So much has changed..

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I've been just recently found your Dresden Files games. It took me a few weeks to go through from the Neutral Grounds to the Speed of Roberto. I haven't listened to episodes 191 or 192 yet. When you changed the episode numbers positions in the title it threw off the order of episodes on my phone. This is one of the few AP podcasts that degrades drastically when I convert it to .amr to cram them all onto my phone. There are some Brony listeners BTW, if anybody out there is looking for a Dresden fix and some MLP in the same place check out Dresden Fillies. There is some overlap in the fanbases, if you're a fan of one or the other check it out.
