Current Blades in the Dark - Machination

Current Campaign: "Blades in the Dark - Machination"

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Episode #95 "DFRPG - 2_33 - Delivery - Crispy Bruce"

Maxwell and Edmund head off to try and find Crispy Bruce and Megan and convince them to join the plan.

Actual Play starts at 12:03

Monte Cook's Kickstarter mentioned in the podcast was..


Friday, August 24, 2012

Episode #94 "DFRPG - 2_32 - Delivery - Ok, Here's the Plan"

The group lays out the plan for the final scene, and everyone is on board.
Well... almost everyone.

Actual Play starts at 12:11

Kickstarter mentioned in the podcast was..

Perils of the Surface World
by Jeff Combos

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Episode #93 "DFRPG - 2_31 - Delivery - It's All Coming Together"

Are all the pieces in place? Is Abagail the last puzzle piece or just another complication that will double-cross them in the end?

Actual Play starts at 1:19

BTW, Mike (a.k.a. Warden Alan Montgomery) here: Thanks to all our listeners and followers out there. As our 100th episode approaches, we're really interested in hearing from you. Yeah, you!  You've got questions, we've got answers. Go on, ask us!  Or else I will hire London to track you down and give your address to Roberto...he's got to keep his ghoul minions fed somehow...

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Episode #92 "DFRPG 2_30 - Delivery - The Other Rockefeller"

The Crew meets with Abigail Rockefeller and find out she is just as formidable as her sister Constance.

New pictures added on the Facebook page! 
Visit and check them out.